An Enhanced IS-LM Business Cycle Model for Increasing Income in a Dynamic Economy

Arista Fitri Diana(1*), Shafira Meiria Rahmasari(2), Dhimas Mahardika(3)

(1) Department of Aktuarial Science, Institut Teknologi Statistika dan Bisnis Muhammadiyah Semarang, Jl. Prof Dr. Hamka, KM 1, Ngaliyan Semarang, 50181, Indonesia
(2) Department of Mathematics Education, Al-Bahjah Islamic College Cirebon, Jl. Pangeran Cakrabuana Blok Gudang Air, Sendang, Sumber, Cirebon Regency, 45611, Indonesia
(3) Department of Science and Technology, Universitas Nasional Karangturi, Raden Patah Street No. 182-192 Rejomulyo, Semarang 50127, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


This paper introduces an enhanced IS-LM business cycle model by integrating control parameters using the Pontiyagin Maximum Principle Method, aiming to maximize income within economic cycles. It develops a dynamic model incorporating import and consumption rates as controls, showcasing their impact on economic variables through simulations and analytical methodologies. The results exhibit a significant increase in income by up to 10% through the reduction of interest rates and capital stock. The efficiency of the proposed controls is visually demonstrated, providing a robust validation of the methodology used, aligning with prior research, and offering substantial insights into dynamic business cycle modelling for economic analysis and policy-making.


Chaos theory and intelligent control systems

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Journal of Intelligent Computing and Health Informatics (JICHI)
ISSN 2715-6923 (print) | 2721-9186 (online)
Organized by
Department of Informatics
Faculty of Engineering
Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

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