Ina Yulianti Naryono(1*)

(1) SMAN 3 Cimahi, FPTK UPI Bandung
(*) Corresponding Author


The situation in the Covid-19 era was directed at every online integrated learning. The purpose of this research is to produce SISCA media that is integrated with web and oriented GC for high school and vocational high school learning. This type of quantitative research uses the Four-D (4D) model development method which is more focused on development. Samples were taken by purposive sampling and considered as research subjects, represented by high school and vocational high school students. The research instrument, in the form of a student response questionnaire, was used to collect data before and after learning. The analysis technique uses a Likert scale, and the results obtained using SISCA media on learning produce positive changes with an average difference for the three aspects that are responded to very significantly.


Covid-19, SISCA, Web, GC, Four-D

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Journal Pendidikan Saisn (JPS)
ISSN:2339-0786, e-ISSN:2502-1443
Published by: Chemistry Education, Muhammadiyah Semarang University