SISTEM HUBUNGAN POMPA SERI DAN PARALEL (System Connecting Series and Parallel pump)
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Centrifugal pump is one of kind pump which very much use in the industrial world and houses. The use often used for with special way to increase high pump and capacity pump. With arrange sonne centrifugal pump of a
kind within connecting series and parallel. The trial made a certain installation of two centrifugal pump connect series and parallel with datas ofthe trial to know head - capacity pump characteristic every type of trial.
Keyword : Connecting series and parallel pump
kind within connecting series and parallel. The trial made a certain installation of two centrifugal pump connect series and parallel with datas ofthe trial to know head - capacity pump characteristic every type of trial.
Keyword : Connecting series and parallel pump
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TRAKSI : Majalah Ilmiah Teknik Mesin
ISSN : 1693-3451 (Pinted) e-ISSN : 2579-9738 (Online)
Published by: LP2M Unimus bekerjasama dengan APTI (Asosiasi Profesi Teknik Indonesia)
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Asosiasi Profesi Teknik Indonesia (APTI)