`Cartoon Story Maker`: Linking Technology and ELT for Young Learners

Sri Dewi Anggraini(1*)

(1) Universitas Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


Teaching English to young learners are claimed to be magical process of learning. In so many conventional ways, they are getting bored easily and difficult to be focus on what is taught. Eventually, they are creating words or even sentences that out of the language rules that they think were true.While, this digital era has been so familiar to the young learners daily routine.Almost every child are able to use the computer or phone. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to help the teachers of English especially for young learnerslinktechnology and language teaching in their particular schools and classrooms for their specific purposes by using Cartoon Movie Maker. In this preliminary study, the analysis wereconducted by observations, questionnaire, and pre-post Constructed-Response Assesment. It was found that the study gained enhancenment in the writing as well the speaking skills. Hence, the concluding argument of the article is that the Cartoon Movie Maker provides an interesting case study of the relationship between theory and practice in ELT and points to the way teachers might engage with other kind of interesting softwares in the technology for the young learners.


technology; English language teaching; young learners

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