Speaking Habit as a Strategy to Improve the Students' Speaking Skill

Fria Bintang Listiawati(1*), Rinta Aryani(2)

(1) Semarang State University
(2) Semarang State University
(*) Corresponding Author


The purpose of this research is to increase students speaking ability, considering the speaking ability of students that are low. This is shown by indicators when expressing English orally often stop in the talks, the duration of talking is about 5 minutes, using very limited vocabulary, lacking the courage to start talking in English with the lecturer or the classmate. This research is included in research class action, the subject of this research are the student of the second semester. This research was done with training to students divided into 3 cycles. In the first cycle, the students were given an English article, then they would read and record it. Then in the second cycle, students were given a video in English then they imitated and recorded it. In the last cycle, the student had to play a short drama in English. We scored this research by analyzing the recording, the list of vocabulary and performance in the third cycle. From the formative scoring during the third cycle showed that, the duration of speaking increased about 8 minutes, mastery more vocabulary with the use of true and better diction, and improve the skill in speaking. The method of this research is a descriptive-qualitative method. The result of this research can improve the speaking ability of Student in Semarang State University.


speaking habit; student; speaking skill

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