An Analysis of Cookery Vocational High School Students in Studying Vocabulary through Web Blog Article

Tikiawati Tikiawati(1*), Muchlas Suseno(2)

(1) State University of Jakarta
(2) State University of Jakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


The significance of vocabulary in reading achievement is generally acknowledged. The growth of word reading and reading comprehension abilities is influenced by vocabulary development. Several researches that study on the benefits of blogging on reading suggests that using blogs improves reading processes, creates good attitudes of reading, facilitates group discussion, and develops reading skills and critical thinking abilities.  This study entitled "An Analysis of Cookery Vocational High School Students in Studying Vocabulary through Web Blog Article" at one of Vocational High Schools. The goals of this study are to evaluate students' responses to acquiring vocabulary through web blogs in reading comprehension, and determine the parts of vocabulary that students learnt while reading web blog articles. The study adopts a qualitative research approach with descriptive study on content analysis. The data are compiled via class observations, observation sheets, reading materials, and interviews. The data from the interviews are evaluated in an attempt to portray in connection to replies on students. Findings consist of: (1) the students were still confused, with greater difficulty in grammar than in vocabulary. By focusing on grammar, students got concerned about their grammar and lost interest. Even while reading, the students sought the grammar first and were less inclined to focus on the vocabulary; and (2) the students felt that they improved four areas of vocabulary: spoken form, written form, form and meaning, and grammatical and functions.


Vocabulary, Reading an article, Web blog article.

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