Indonesian Women Resistance as Eastern Representation in Darah Garuda Movie

Evi Irawanti Br Saragih(1*)

(1) Gadjah Mada University
(*) Corresponding Author


Darah Garuda is a movie that has background of Indonesian struggle after Independence Day namely during the Military Aggression and the Revolutionary that occurred in several location such as Central Java and Bali. In the movie depicted that the Dutch are still holding out on various missions to keep controlling Indonesia. The success or failure of their actions provokes reactions and views how exactly Indonesian’s character, including about women acting as two different things, fighters and victims of violence. This research tries to explain how the Dutch view as a Western representation about Indonesian people, especially women as representatives of the East, and what efforts were made to show resistance that presented in the movie. This study uses Orientalism approach initiated by Edward Said. The results show Dutch considers Indonesia as a stupid nation, unable to stand alone and always dependent on them, as evidenced by statement “You will not be able to survive one week without us here. You will kill each other.” Women for them is objects of sensuality, talking about them only as a matter of sex and satisfaction. Women that considered to be weak actually able to fight by pretend to be a man, taking to the battlefield, taking up arms, and killing the colonialist.


Darah Garuda; Orientalism; Women; Resistance

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