The Antihero with the Mask: Slipknot and Mesin Tempur Represent the Criticism of Social Condition

Deswandito Dwi Saptanto(1*)

(1) Ngudi Waluyo University Ungaran
(*) Corresponding Author


For a long time, music has been a medium to convey expressions of anger, dissatisfaction, anxiety and also direct criticism of certain people or groups. The lyrics conveyed in this musical accompaniment are loaded with various messages both implicitly and explicitly. This research uses literature studies with a comparative literary approach and uses qualitative descriptive methods that focus on comparisons of two NuMetal bands, namely Slipknot and Mesin Tempur. The combination of noisy music, rude lyrics, eccentric costumes and masks characterize these two bands. The purpose of this study is to compare two bands from two different countries, namely Slipknot from America and Mesin Tempur from Indonesia. This study analyzes the semiotic meaning of masks and costumes worn by them, as well as revealing the messages from social criticism expressed in their harsh and arrogant lyrics. This study concluded that there are several similarities in the meanings, messages and symbols used in masks and their costumes. Some similarities can also be revealed that the harsh words from the lyrics criticize the situation and conditions that are currently occurring. Some of the differences that exist are the forms of sarcasm and criticism that are conveyed through the lyrics of these songs have different coverage. Slipknot has a wide range of criticisms and allusions to a wider audience; because of the meanings conveyed around the crisis of self-confidence, depression, anger, hatred and anti-social that is certainly experienced by anyone in the world. Mesin Tempur has the peculiarity of narrower coverage of social criticism, which revolves around everyday problems in Indonesian culture.


costume, culture, lyrics, mask, social criticism

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