English as Foreign Language Teachers' Beliefs in Developing Pragmatic Competence

Tagsya Puspita(1*), Lulu Laela Amelia(2)

(*) Corresponding Author


English is spoken at various intercommunication settings and levels. Thus, speakers have to master pragmatic aspects to avoid misunderstandings during communication. As a result, Pragmatic competence can help EFL speakers. The purpose of this study is to look into EFL teachers' perspectives on how to help students build pragmatic competence. The qualitative research approach was used in this study, utilizing descriptive qualitative as the framework. In order to collect the data, this study used teachers' responses on a questionnaire derived from five features in sources of teacher beliefs. Three teachers from varied backgrounds participated in this study as respondents. Teachers' beliefs in pragmatic competence development are taken from five sources: teachers' experience as language learners; experience from teaching; teachers' own personality; experience from the school, parents, government, and local society; education-based or research-based principles. This study will, ideally, add to the body of knowledge in the field of education, allowing English teachers to better understand, discover, and enhance their teaching in the area of pragmatic competence development.


Teachers' beliefs, Pragmatic competence, EFL Context

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