Dwi Ilmiani(1*), Riawan Dwi Solichin(2), Indrato Indrato(3)

(1) AKN Kota Pekalongan
(2) AKN Kota Pekalongan
(3) AKN Kota Pekalongan
(*) Corresponding Author


Errors are considered by many learners to be an integral part of the teaching – learning process. The writing errors of English are considered to be significant and beneficial since they can be used to identify the pedagogical problems so as to come up with some suggestions that can help both teacher and students. The purpose of the present study was to examine errors of recount composition. The study mainly focused on four types of error (James 1998: 94-112). The method used in this research is descriptive method. To achieve these objectives, frequencies, percentages and means of errors were calculated and tabulated. The data was taken from 50 students and it was taken by asking the learners to make the English recount composition. The results revealed that the most frequent error type was misformation (35.25%) and omission (28.96%).


Error Analysis; EFL; English recount composition

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